NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court has probably set a new precedent for cases related to credit card disputes and harassment in the country. The bench of Justice Mukul Mudgal and SL Bhayana has provided interim relief to Citibank credit card holder Desh Deepak against whom the global banking major had filed a suit for recovery of Rs 3,61, 431.72 on grounds that he had failed to make payments, despite being offered a structured payment plan. As of now, the High Court has put a stay order on the verdict of the lower court. Though the matter is still sub-judice, it has possibly opened a can of worms, which can result in more stringent regulations being implemented in the credit card industry in the country. Kanchan Singh, representing Desh Deepak hailed the High Court’s stay order and told SundayET that the court made a oral observation that this looks like a clear case of extortion by a foreign bank.
“There are so many people like Desh. They don’t have the means to fight against these global giants. I took the case on a pro bono basis, had I charged him any fees, he wouldn’t have been able to put up a fight. I am sure the honourable court will come out with a just decision,” he said. Desh Deepak in his case had claimed that interest charged was excessive, arbitrary and unjust. He had also claimed that Citibank had assured him of a settlement of the account after a payment of Rs 2 lakh. In court, Citibank had denied both these claims. When SundayET contacted Citibank, the Citibank official refused to comment on the matter citing the subject as sub-judice. However, the official said, that in situations where the customer is unable to pay the amount owed, their highly trained customer assistance professionals evaluate the case and find a solution, in consultation with the customer, and work out an alternative repayment plan. “We’ve enlisted the services of eminent citizen Julio Ribeiro as external grievance redressal officer - debt collections, which shows our concerns towards such matters,” said the official. Leading consumer activist, Pushpa Girimaji, on the other hand, said that such incidents will keep on happening until the credit card companies make a point of putting out the most important information in a separate package. “The customer is lost in the maze of rules and regulations, which can be as long as a thesis. Also, the companies need to improve their in-house redressal systems,” she said. CV Giddappa, national secretary, Credit Card Holders Association of In-dia, said that the RBI needs to strictly enforce the guidelines. “The code of bank’s commitment to customers, should be turned into a penal code, this will make a major impact on such cases,” he said.
THE ECONOMIC TIMES; 30 Mar, 2008, 1235 hrs IST,Dheeraj Tiwari, TNN
About Me
- Kamal Kumar Pandey (Adv. Supreme Court of India)
- Lawyer Practising at Supreme Court of India. Court Experience: Criminal, Civil & PIL (related to Property, Tax, Custom & Duties, MVAC, insurance, I.P.R., Copyrights & Trademarks, Partnerships, Labour Disputes, etc.) Socio-Legal: Child Rights, Mid Day Meal Programme, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan, Women Rights, Against Female Foeticide, P.R.Is, Bonded Labour, Child labour, Child marriage, Domestic violence, Legal Literacy, HIV/AIDS, etc. Worked for Legal Aid/Advise/Awareness/Training/Empowerment/Interventions/Training & Sensitisation.
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